Dans un pli


Part of a cycle called The Lines, Dans un pli, is a flute and percussion duo. The sound is especially quite and almost always to disappear

This piece was written for Paolo Vignaroli and Alexandre Babel


Zone Franche Association (Switzerland)


August 30, 2011
G11 galery, Berlin, Germany

Paolo Vignaroli and Alexandre Babel


Paolo Vignaroli and Alexandre Babel

January 12, 2015
KompaktBundeshaus zu Wiedikon, Zurich, Switzerland
January 11, 2015
Fondation Suisse – Le Corbusier building, Paris, France
January 10, 2015
MBAL, Le Locle, Switzerland
January 9, 2015
ONO, Bern, Switzerland
January 8, 2015
Cave12, Geneva, Switzerland
December 8, 2013
Flux Laboratory, Geneva, Switzerland


The Lines (NEOS)